Friday, August 31, 2007

First week of school part 2

So to finally finish posting what I did last week I'll just finish. So on friday I didn't do much, actually I don't remember what I did. lol. It was that exciting. But Saturday and Sunday were fun, my room mate and I met up in Cedar City to go up to my great grandmas ranch. It felt so nice there! It was about 30 degrees cooler than what I'm living in now in St. George. Probably since we were at an elevation of 9,500 ft. above sea level! But on our hike that was a disadvantage, the altitude was just killing us! Anyways, here's some pictures to give you an idea of what it's like up there and what we do...There is a spring there with fresh cold water called "cooks springs." And we love to skip rocks as you can see above.

This is my room mate and I with cook springs behind us but we don't get the water out of the pond thing, there's a pipe that is always letting out water that goes into there.
On the property there are tons of volcanoe rocks and we always try to knock big rocks down with smaller Anyways but can you see the rain coming down behind us on some other mountains. Oh and sorry my eyes are messed up, my dad made some comment about my picture obsession for the blog and he happened to take the picture when I gave him the sassy look. lol.

Every year I gotta carve my name in about 5 or 6 trees. I re-write my name and the present year on all those trees and have been doing it for years. It's really fun!
Taking a break from our hike since the altitude was giving us a hard time.

Finally relaxing in one of my dad's hammocks from Brazil. So comfortable!!!
Last but not least, enjoying the sunset out on the ridge.
P.S. There are some more pictures on my family blog from this trip thing. (

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

First week of school part 1.2 (pictures)

So after so long (to me) I finally got the pictures on here! I'm so excited! So here's the pictures from the night when my room mate and I were on a cooking high! So let me explain this So I made some brownies and I just put them in the oven and I turn around and my friend was filling up the bowl with water! I freaked out because I LOVE to lick the bowl clean! So before it was full of water I turned off the water so I could lick the remains at the top. LOL.
My room mate made chocolate chip cookies using my mom's recipe. SO GOOD! THANKS MOM!
This is the beginning of the pile of dishes that we had to clean after we were done. But notice the white powder stuff: I spilt corn starch all over when I was trying to empty the box into a glad ware container. It got all over me! Clothes, face, etc. And it also got on the counters and floor, it was a nightmare! But we totally laughed about it.
Raspberry pie in the works...
And at last the raspberry pie at completion! After my room mate took a slice of course before I could take a picture. And with a topping of whipping cream from Trader Joe's it's DIVINE!!!

Friday, August 24, 2007

First week of school part 1

So I started school on tuesday! I have 5 classes: Critical reading, math, music, CNA (certified nursing assisstant) and an institute class-teachings of the Latter-Day prophets. I've only had institute once so far but I'm looking forward to it. The other classes are boring but I need to take them I mean I have to take them. My CNA class is kinda hard well I just worry about it too much since I have to get an 80% to get my CNA license or else I have to start over. So ever since the first day of that class I've studied my brains out on the chapters assigned. And what stinks is there is AT LEAST one exam each week! Well I guess it's better than having a bunch all at once.

Anyways outside class I've had some pretty fun times so far. Besides monday since I had to unpack, well I did get to go shopping for stuff for me like food and other stuff that I need while I'm here. And luckily I have parents who were willing to buy all of it for me! I didn't even ask them too. Thanks mom and dad! I love you guys! Oh wait I did go to SONIC on monday night and ward FHE.

Tuesday I went to my classes then later that night I went to a "meet n' greet" for all 16 wards. Then my room mate and I went to Nielson's frozen custard. YUMMY! I love that place! Then that night I couldn't sleep it was such a bummer! Although I did fall asleep at about 4 then got woken up at 7 by the girls who have class so early! ugh, oh well I gotta get used to running on a low amount of sleep. It's really hard!

Wednesday was a lighter day since I only had three classes that day. Then I came home and studied and planned on staying in for the night but it wasn't long till I was invited to go to Applebee's to celebrate a birthday for a guy who lives below my apartment and it was tons of fun. Then I ended up staying up late again since some of my room mates like to talk no matter how late it is.

Thursday was my first day of institute! So awesome even though it is an 8 AM class but it is a good way to start off my day. Then I went to my other classes. After that I got home relaxed for awhile did my hw and studied for CNA. Later on my room mate and I had to make brownies and cookies since she had promised the boys in the apartment below us that we would make them. So we looked at the recipe for the cookies and didn't have everything on the list to make them so we had to go to Wal Mart and get the other stuff we needed. Then we get home and realized that we forgot some stuff and had to go to a grocery store and get all that and I ended up getting ingredients to make my mom's AMAZING raspberry pie. So when we got home we ate dinner real quick then the boys were nagging us about the food. So we whipped out some cookies and brownies and I made the pie and boy it was a mess in the kitchen! And it had just been cleaned! Oh well we were on a cooking high and tons of fun making it all. And everything we made was delicous! The raspberry pie and yummy chocolate chip cookies are my moms recipes and the brownies...made from a mix that you can buy at the store. LOL. We aren't that good yet. I took some pictures but I need to install the software for my camera on my laptop. And I won't do it unless my dad is here to make sure I do it right since I don't want to mess up anything on my laptop. So when I see him tom. I'll ask for his help.

WOW, This post has turned out to be really long! So sorry about that, I just haven't blogged all week so I have alot to say. I would blog more during the week but I can't since I need to focus more on my studies and having fun rather than doing this several times a week. Not that blogging isn't fun I just don't want to sit in front of a computer screen when instead I could go hangout with people. Did that make sense? Did any of this post make sense? Sorry if it didn't, I'm just running really low on sleep so I'm not all there. Anyways, enough said I will post again hopefully on Sunday and I should have some pictures for you all.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

I'm here!

Well first of all I want to apologize for no pictures...I totally forgot batteries for my camera so tomorrow I'll take some pictures of my room and stuff. So after sacrament meeting today we loaded up the car and left for St.George. Now I'm here and I've moved in and trying to get used to staying up late. I'm already super tired! But I figured I should get my new blog up and running. When I got here the Bishopric was here so I was able to meet them and find out all the activities. There are so many things going on each week! So after that my room mate and I went to the apartment below us to hang with some people...we all introduced ourselves and told an interesting story about! Some of the stories these people have... So after my roommate and I told our story we left since it was kinda awkward since most of them knew each other. Then I unpacked some more and now I'm blogging at 12:15 AM Utah time! Oh and I forgot to mention that a cute guy got my phone number! Anyways I have to go to bed so I can function tom. or should I say today!?