This past weekend I went up north with some friends, for the BYU WYOMING game. We left on Friday evening and got back Sunday evening. Here are a few pictures from my fun weekend.
This is James my friend playing jump rope with the phone cord at our friends parents house we stayed at on Friday night.
Whittney messing around on a motor shopping cart when we went to Maceys at 12:30 AM the next day to pick up a movie at Red Box.
Amy got a bloody nose when my friend woke up James and he accidently hit her in the nose.
On our way to the football game!
My old roommate Erica (from last year) met up with me and we enjoyed the game together along with our other friends.
The weather report was that it was going to be rainy and cold that day, but it ended up being way hot, so Erica and I jokingly for a few minutes put our legs out to tan.
All of us buddies enjoying the game together.
After the game!
Another picture after the game.
Erica, my friend Melissa, and I after our friend Amys farewell talk.
At Amys luncheon after her farewell talk.
Group photo: Cute smiles.
Overall we had an awesome time! We all stayed at Amys parents house on Friday night, and hung out. The next day we went to the game, then after that we split off and stayed at friends or relatives houses. I stayed at my aunt and uncles house, it was a lot of fun. The next day I went back to Spanish Fork for my friend Amys farewell talk. We went to the talk then after we went to her house and ate because there was a luncheon. Right after that some of us left to come back to St.George we were exhausted after a long fun weekend.