Friday, March 20, 2009

Robert Gardner statue dedication!

Last post for March! My family and the whole Gardner family came to St.George for the Robert Gardner statue dedication. Robert is the guy who settled St.George. He had four wives, and so the Gardner family is HUGE! One of the Gardner's is Elder Holland! So we started out at the Tabernacle and he spoke along with some others. This is right before they unveiled the statue...

Robert Gardner
Elder and Sister Holland!!
Meeting Elder Holland! That was pretty cool! :D

My face beaming after I met Elder Holland...
My family and uncle and two cousins with Elder and Sister Holland!
The Gardner family was EVERYWHERE in this area after the dedication, and the tabernacle was packed!
The statue is in the middle of a roundabout in St.George on Main street...Travis with the statue...
My turn...

My dad helping with dinner!?

Monday, March 9, 2009


YES! This was back in March as well. FHE with food and Rock Band. Not a lot of people showed up unfortunately, so we had a lot of left over pizza and soda. Being an FHE leader I got to take some home, so that's always pretty sweet! :) Yeah we obviously planned for a lot of people since there was going to be food.
Christian, me, Eddie, and Neeley

Matt singing away with Neel enjoying the drums in the background.
Christian on the guitar.
I'm kinda into the song I suppose.
Eddie on the guitar.
Once again Neel making a face instead of smiling. haha.
Christina on guitar.

Christian, Matt (on the back couch), Christina, Jeremy, and Neeley Godwin -yes that's her last name!
Christian, Neel making a face at the camera, and Jeremy.

Despite the small group we still had a good time:)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Breckens Graduation dinner!

Once again this was back in March the same day TJ and I got back from the temple trip. My old roommate Brecken graduated from esthetician school, and I put together this dinner outing... My friend Nates hand, Amanda, Me, and my roommates Kyla and Carly.
I don't remember this guys name, but here is Whitley, Neeley (she never smiles for the camera-nasty in this picture), Carly, and Kyla.

Whitley and Neeley (once again being nasty)...these are my old roommates from first semester.

Ginger, Brecken, and Logan.
Me, TJ, Kylie, Ginger, Brecken and Logan...there were other people at other tables, but I didn't really know them so I'm not putting the pictures on here. It was a really fun night, I took some fun videos. It's always fun to be with friends :)

Draper Temple trip!

A guy named TJ and I wanted to go up north to see the Draper temple during it's open house...this was back in March. Just us two went because no one else wanted to go. It was a long drive up because it snowed horribly! We pulled over, and almost turned around but we prayed and got to SLC safely. The next day we went to the temple. It was a three hour process. You couldn't go up the mountain and park by the temple. You had to park at like 1 of 5 church building locations. You sit in there and wait your turn to go to one room, and watch a video about temples. Then you get on a bus, and go up the mountain. It was a self-guided tour, and it was packed with people. It is a BEAUTIFUL temple. Three stories high, and gorgeous inside and out. The three hour wait was definitely worth it! :D On our way to finding a parking lot open I found this funny mailbox.
This was after the temple (these pictures are out of order) we went to a burger joint and found good ol' cruisin usa.

I got five scoops of ice cream for dessert! yummy! I ended up only eating two scoops...haha.

I took this picture while on the bus on our way down the mountain.

On the way back down the mountain from the temple.