Saturday, September 22, 2007
Busy, busy, busy...
So I've been slacking big time on my blog. I am just so busy with hw. And last Sunday I gave a talk in church so the thursday, friday and saturday before that's what I was busy with, although I did go to dinner and an institute dance. After that I did get back to my talk. Then on sunday I gave my talk. I forgot to mention that the topic was on "respect for others." And it had to be 12 minutes so that was a stressful thought when I was preparing my talk. But now it's over and this whole past week I've been working my but off doing my hw. But now it's the weekend and I can relax but still do my hw that is due next week and sleep in! Yay! That's been really exciting. And I should work on my FHE lesson for monday night. One of my roommates and I got asked to do the lesson for FHE on monday night. And I need to work on my activity for thursday night. Since I'm on the activities comittee and specifically in charge of one service activity a month. So next thursday we are having a service auction. But since we are college students and don't have the money to auction things then we are just going to use monopoly money. So that's what I will be busy with next week. But that's what's new with me right now. Oh and I went bowling last night with 2 of my room mates and 2 boys who are friends of one of my room mates who went and I also went to lunch with one of my room mates and her guyfriend. So yesterday was a fun day. And I also had a 7 am meeting yesterday for institute since I'm a class representative so yesterday was busy. The End.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
I can cook a full on meal for 6 people!
So this is the dinner I made for all my room mates using all the things I had to get at the grocery store earlier. It was alot of work but totally worth it. They loved not having to cook for themselves and they just liked it. Not to brag or anything it was just a great accomplishment for me since I'm not much of a cook and cause it tasted good. After they were each done they all wanted seconds, unfortunatley I hadn't made that much for that because I wasn't planning on all of them wanting seconds. Seriously! They scrapped the bottom of the pan with the gravy and chicken and the rice bowl. It was pretty awesome. I was feelin' my oats. haha. So here's some pictures from the night.
I honestly don't know why I made this sign. I just did and the girl's thought it was pretty cute. lol.
Friday, September 7, 2007
First Real Grocery Shopping Experience...Disaster
So on Wednesday I went on my first real grocery shopping trip or whatever you wanna call it. I had been a couple times before but to only pick up a few items like stuff for raspberry pie. :) YUMMY! Or I just go with my room mate to get out of the apartment. lol. Any ways so I made this huge list because I was gonna make dinner (hawaiian haystacks) for all my room mates and I didn't have any of the things I needed for it except rice. So we get to the store and the first thing we go for are the apples we just wanted some fruit. And do you think I would know which ones to buy? Even after going to the store with my mom many times but zone out. So I decided to get the Utah apples since they were the cheapest (I'm on college budget After I decided what kind I wanted then I had to figure out which ones were good...and I had no clue how to figure out which ones were good or not. So my room mate picked out a few for me then I just grabbed some on my own. Then I look in the bag and I'm like oh that ones gross and that one too! So I took them out and got new ones so I had like three in the bag and when I put another one in the bag broke and the apples went EVERYWHERE! Down the medicine isle, across the store etc. It was so bad and of course there were people around who saw it all happen and looked at me like are you retarded? So I went around and picked them up as my room mate walks away pretending that she doesn't know me. lol. We finally carry on after the apple fiasco and I had to get vegetables and didn't know which ones were good and which ones I shouldn't get so I gave up and just picked them randomly. lol. Then I had to figure out what chicken to get and how much and size and the best and I didn't have a clue so I had to call my mom. I must of called her 5 times over the chicken. Pathetic! Then I had to find the right gravy stuff, another phone call, wasn't there, another phone call, they don't have the chicken kind, another call. haha. My poor mom but she didn't mind. She likes it when I call her. Thank you mom for the help! So about 45 minutes later we finally get out of the store. And my room mate says she never wants to go grocery shopping with me again. haha. Even though I had a hard time with this I had alot of fun at the same time because every time I was unsure of what to get or had to call my mom I laughed at myself. So that was my first grocery experience. The End.
Called to Serve
So I got my first calling...I was called to be in the Activities Committee. And also, well this isn't a calling but I was asked yesterday to be the class Representative in my institute class (Teachings of The Living Prophets). Honestly I don't know why I was asked to be the class Representative since...well this is really bad but...I was falling asleep in class because I didn't get a whole lot of sleep the night before. Though I didn't fall asleep I just couldn't look down or else my eyes would close and I was just losing it. It was really bad. Oh and did I forget to mention... every time we have class I either say the opening or closing prayer if not that I lead the music. What the heck? Maybe it was a test to see if I could be this class Representative. I'm not mad though I'm excited. I haven't done anything so far with my calling or with my Representative thing I should get on the institute thing though. It's conducting and ask people to give prayers, devotionals, music, announcements you get the picture. I'm seriously excited though. It will be quite the experience. lol. P.S. like how I kept saying representative? I just didn't want to confuse you between the two.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Blood donation & dancing in the rain
On Thursday there was a blood drive for institute and I summoned the courage to sign up and go. But when I got there I wasn't so brave anymore. It was my first time giving blood and I just felt nervous about it and I don't know why. They had to prick my finger to check my iron level it hurt a bit but not bad. Then I had to go give blood and oh my word it felt like someone stabbed me in the arm! It hurt so bad when she stuck that huge needle in my arm! I thought I was gonna scream! And I was shaking like a leaf. The lady had me squeeze this ball in my hand every 3-5 seconds and everytime I squeezed it I shook so badly! The other kids who were waiting there turn watched me and just laughed. I wasn't mad at them though I just laughed too. lol. But the phlobotomist was getting mad at them because she didn't want them to distract me from squeezing that ball. Then after I got out of that chair I was walking all over the place. I was so out of it! Then when I got back to my apartment I thought I was gonna throw up! But I survived and had to go to class 20 minutes later. That kinda sucked. Since I was so out of it and we ended up playing a jeopardy type game and when I was asked a question I mustive stared straight at the book and didn't think to look for the answer. So embarrasing! Then I laughed about it later. Then when I got back to the apartment I just layed on my bed for like an hour then it started to rain like crazy outside. So my 2 other room mates who were home and I decided to act like idiots and go dance in the rain. And some girl's from another apartment came out and watched us and just laughed and took pictures with their cell phones. Then I of course had to whip out my camera to get pictures for the blog. Enjoy! We're crazy I know!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007
So awesome!
Last Sunday Vanessa from my home ward was on her way to BYU and stopped by to say good bye and chill for a little while before she had to hit the road again. It was so fun! We didn't get to go anywhere since it was Sunday but it was fun to just visit. She is such a cute girl with such a strong testimony of the Gospel and I'm so glad she moved into the ward. We've had some great times together but seriously she is the nicest ever. It was an emotional good bye after she left but hopefully we'll stay in contact and maybe I'll come home for Christmas with her.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Dirt Mattressing?!?
...Explanation below...
So there's waterskiing, wakeboarding, tubing etc. And so what is dirt mattressing? Honestly I don't know if there is a name for what I did with a bunch of friends last night. So there was 10 of us who went in 2 cars and we tied a mattress on top of one of the cars and drove out to the Arizona Strip. When we got there we took this huge mattress and tied it behind the other car that is like a jeep but I don't know what kind of car it is. Anyways we tied this big mattress behind the car with one rope and cut holes into it so we could hold on while the car was dragging us on it. So we all took turns riding a mattress tied to the back of a car out in a dirty bumpy off roading area. We were covered in dirt and our mouths were full of dirt too. It was pretty nasty but worth it. And what was really cool is that 3 cops pulled up to see what we were doing because there was an armed robbery and looked to see if it was us. We were all freaked out because we thought we were in trouble but instead they just laughed at us since we were so disgusting and told us to just have fun. Pretty sweet! We didn't get in trouble. And for the final tow all of us except the driver jumped onto that thing and we went about 3 feet before the rope So we decided we were done and we left the mattress there! haha. We hid it behind a hill! lol. Then we decided to go to a grocery store to get a soda or something and also to see peoples reaction. Some people laughed others stared. And the lady at the cash register said she wasn't even going to ask. lol. So anyways I unfortunately didn't think to take a camera with me to take shots of our craziness but we did get a group shot when we got back to the boys apartment. When I put this picture on my lap top I was bummed to see that a lot of the dirt on my face had come off on our way home since I was in the car with no top. I didn't look like a coal miner anymore but there was still some dirt on me.
P.S. Did any of that make sense?
So there's waterskiing, wakeboarding, tubing etc. And so what is dirt mattressing? Honestly I don't know if there is a name for what I did with a bunch of friends last night. So there was 10 of us who went in 2 cars and we tied a mattress on top of one of the cars and drove out to the Arizona Strip. When we got there we took this huge mattress and tied it behind the other car that is like a jeep but I don't know what kind of car it is. Anyways we tied this big mattress behind the car with one rope and cut holes into it so we could hold on while the car was dragging us on it. So we all took turns riding a mattress tied to the back of a car out in a dirty bumpy off roading area. We were covered in dirt and our mouths were full of dirt too. It was pretty nasty but worth it. And what was really cool is that 3 cops pulled up to see what we were doing because there was an armed robbery and looked to see if it was us. We were all freaked out because we thought we were in trouble but instead they just laughed at us since we were so disgusting and told us to just have fun. Pretty sweet! We didn't get in trouble. And for the final tow all of us except the driver jumped onto that thing and we went about 3 feet before the rope So we decided we were done and we left the mattress there! haha. We hid it behind a hill! lol. Then we decided to go to a grocery store to get a soda or something and also to see peoples reaction. Some people laughed others stared. And the lady at the cash register said she wasn't even going to ask. lol. So anyways I unfortunately didn't think to take a camera with me to take shots of our craziness but we did get a group shot when we got back to the boys apartment. When I put this picture on my lap top I was bummed to see that a lot of the dirt on my face had come off on our way home since I was in the car with no top. I didn't look like a coal miner anymore but there was still some dirt on me.
P.S. Did any of that make sense?
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