On Thursday there was a blood drive for institute and I summoned the courage to sign up and go. But when I got there I wasn't so brave anymore. It was my first time giving blood and I just felt nervous about it and I don't know why. They had to prick my finger to check my iron level it hurt a bit but not bad. Then I had to go give blood and oh my word it felt like someone stabbed me in the arm! It hurt so bad when she stuck that huge needle in my arm! I thought I was gonna scream! And I was shaking like a leaf. The lady had me squeeze this ball in my hand every 3-5 seconds and everytime I squeezed it I shook so badly! The other kids who were waiting there turn watched me and just laughed. I wasn't mad at them though I just laughed too. lol. But the phlobotomist was getting mad at them because she didn't want them to distract me from squeezing that ball. Then after I got out of that chair I was walking all over the place. I was so out of it! Then when I got back to my apartment I thought I was gonna throw up! But I survived and had to go to class 20 minutes later. That kinda sucked. Since I was so out of it and we ended up playing a jeopardy type game and when I was asked a question I mustive stared straight at the book and didn't think to look for the answer. So embarrasing! Then I laughed about it later. Then when I got back to the apartment I just layed on my bed for like an hour then it started to rain like crazy outside. So my 2 other room mates who were home and I decided to act like idiots and go dance in the rain. And some girl's from another apartment came out and watched us and just laughed and took pictures with their cell phones. Then I of course had to whip out my camera to get pictures for the blog. Enjoy! We're crazy I know!

1 comment:
you are so brave! i've never given blood in my life! and I'm a phlebotomist!!! I can stick other people but when it comes to ME getting stuck, NO WAY! Dancing in the rain is soo fun, you girls are awesome!
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