Thursday, April 17, 2008

Fun Sunday afternoon!

These are just some fun pictures that were taken a few Sundays back... I had just put some mint brownies in the oven and my roommate Stephanie, and I licked the bowl. This is a fun picture of us with the yummy batter on our lips.
These last two pictures were taken by roommate Courtney, and this is how we take naps in our apartment. Yes, we lay on each other and cuddle with that big stuffed animal. :)

This is Steph and our good friend Gary cuddling with the other huge stuffed animal. Honestly these things are so comfortable! When my roomies or I need some "cuddle time" we just grab the bear or dog and cuddle with them-funny, eh?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

im sorry but where do you get that cuddly big teddybear? i would really want one so can you tell me where can you buy one orif their is a website for it?
please tell me if you can. you can just leave it on your blog. Please And Thank you Very Much