Sunday, September 9, 2007

I can cook a full on meal for 6 people!

So this is the dinner I made for all my room mates using all the things I had to get at the grocery store earlier. It was alot of work but totally worth it. They loved not having to cook for themselves and they just liked it. Not to brag or anything it was just a great accomplishment for me since I'm not much of a cook and cause it tasted good. After they were each done they all wanted seconds, unfortunatley I hadn't made that much for that because I wasn't planning on all of them wanting seconds. Seriously! They scrapped the bottom of the pan with the gravy and chicken and the rice bowl. It was pretty awesome. I was feelin' my oats. haha. So here's some pictures from the night. I honestly don't know why I made this sign. I just did and the girl's thought it was pretty cute. lol.

The food!

We even all sat at the table and it was all set and everything and ready to go. I was so proud of myself! lol.

This is all of us sitting down together enjoying each other's company and it was pretty funny to hear the girl's just go on and on about the dinner and tell funny stories. They thought my apple incident was hilarious. Me too. I'm still laughing about it. haha.


Kirsten said...

heehee....apples falling down, i want some of those apples, and i want corn...oh beans you spelled alot instead of a lot teehee..

Kirsten said...

by the way.. that was kirsten XD

Kirsten said...

i have boating pictures...if you want me to put them on...

Kirsten said...

but you need to put me on your team members list

Dan G said...

Alyssa, your cuz Lt. Dan here. I like your blog. Good stuff! I'm gonna be a frequent visitor. I hope next time I see you I can be treated to some baked goods and dirt mattressing.

Jen said...

Toad, You are a riot! I remember the first few times I went to the store too. It is not easy at first as you are trying to not only get what you need, but stay in your college budjet! I love to hear all of your stories. Paul wants me to tell you to add our website, to your friend's pages links, as he linked yours. He also wants you to check out our site and tell us what you think......I love you so much, and I'm glad you are having a fun experience so far. Keep up the good work on the website!

kristy said...

great job, alyss!! seriously, that post made me so hungry for hawaiian haystacks! i'll come to s.g. and you'll have to make it for me and rowan, I know he'd love it! we love you and miss you lots.

Travis Grossen said...

Haha, wow, sounds like you are having fun. Yeah, so basically just make anything that mom made frequently, and make it the way she did, and everyone will love you.